Steve Chen 陳文仕

Vice Chairman of OCAA
Steve Wenshi Chan is a self-taught artist and print maker. Steve uses his own unique way of construction and carving techniques to bring out the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest. In 1984, he and his family immigrated to Oregon, where he has created many oil paintings and wood-carved prints inspired by the beauty of the state’s scenery and its special cultural heritage. The oil painting, “Fall Color”, was selected for an international art exhibition in 2005.

Steve has been interested in printmaking from a young age and has a passion of closely observing hard-working laborers in their unique environments. While in China, he created successful prints such as “Entering Mountain”, “River Flowing Upwards”, and “Village Transformer Station”. These prints were selected for exhibition in the Guangdong Art Exhibition. The “Village Transformer Station” was selected by the Chinese Cultural Department for exhibition in seven European countries in the 1970s.

Beginning in 2007, he focused primarily on printmaking. Since his printmaking debut in the U.S., he has garnered many awards and accolades. In 2014, his paintings and prints were selected to represent Oregon in a cultural exchange with China in an art exhibition in Tianjin, a major Chinese city with a population of 11 million. In 2021, he was one of the featured artists in the International Calligraphy & Painting Artists Association magazine. In 2022, he won a prestigious award from Japan Institute of International Art. Many of his works have been acquired by artists, collectors, and admirers all over China and in the U.S.

Membership & Office:
- Vice Chairman of Oil Painters and Printmakers of Oregon’s Chinese Artists Association
- Member of Japan Institute of International Art
- Member of the International Calligraphy & Painting Artists Association
- Member of Oil Painters of America and Print Arts Northwest

陈文仕一70年代作品"乡村变电站"广东省展后被中国文化部选送参加欧洲七国巡展。84年移居美国后一直至力于版画創新,用嫻熟的刀法渲染美西的自然景观和风土人情,从初期沉深的古典版画到现在的超写实主义,表现出着实的生活場景,其作品多次参加国际展和博物馆,著名画廊、艺术节等活动,曾获多个奖项及被博物馆和个人愛好者收藏,2022 ,5月在日本东京举办的15届国际书画大赏展获"艺术赏"奖。 现为美国油画家协会会员.美西北版画家协会会员,日本国际艺术研究院会员,国际书画艺术家协会会员,俄勒冈州华人艺术家协会副会长, 北美视觉艺术研究院会员。

Cloud Blossoming

Flock Of Chickens 群鸡

Lan Su Garden

13.5 X 15 inches
14 X 19 inches

Little Sea birds

Mountain Pasteure

Purple Wild Flowers


Snow Mountain Road

Snow Night 雪夜