David E 俄廣才

E Guangcai is a former Secretary-General of the Heilongjiang University Photographers Association and a member of the Heilongjiang Photographers Association. In 1990, he was included in the first edition of The Encyclopedia of Chinese Photographers. In 2000, he moved to the United States and worked as a photographer, reporter and photo editor for the Chinese media "Portland Chinese News" in Oregon. He currently serves as a board member of the Oregon China Council and as Secretary-General of the Oregon Chinese Artists Association. Motto: “With heartfelt perception, observe the world; with three eyes, capture its essence in the lens.”

For many years, E Guangcai has immersed himself in various facets of American society, covering major news events with a documentary-style approach, showcasing photography’s unique power to capture reality. His “third eye” lens captures extraordinary moments, revealing social truths. In his more than two decades in the United States, his work has been featured in numerous media outlets, and he has held photography exhibitions both domestically and internationally.
座右銘:七分心感悟世間萬象 三隻眼凝聚鏡裡乾坤多年以來,深入美國社會的多個層面,置身於各類重大新聞事件進行採訪報道。以紀實性的創作方法,充分發揮攝影藝術所獨具的紀實性,用手中的『第三隻眼』凝聚精彩瞬間,揭示社會現實。旅美二十幾年間,攝影作品在多家媒體發表,並在國內與國際上舉辦攝影藝術作品展。