Limei Lai

Oregon-based artist, curator Limei Lai enjoys working with paint, fabric and clay. Her themes depict the fear of change, weakness and aging through generational stories, in search of togetherness and inclusion ...

“Life is embroidery, under the organized colors, shapes, and texture, a tangled, frayed, knotted forest of seemingly random threads tells me how to appreciate.”

Limei Lai

Oregon-based artist, curator Limei Lai enjoys working with paint, fabric and clay. Her themes depict the fear of change, weakness and aging through generational stories, in search of togetherness and inclusion. Her roots as Chinese, her ten years of work traveling and backpacking, and her current experience as an immigrant/single mom are combined in her art. Facing changes, fears and accepting vulnerabilities, differences can build stronger selves and a brighter world. She believes that art not only evokes issues and problems in society, it celebrates the beauty of this world in its entirety too.

Limei is the founder and curator of Playground Gallery and the vice-president of Oregon Chinese Artist Association. Her works were shown in Local 14 Art Show, Red E Cafe Gallery, Paragon Gallery, 511 Gallery, The Arts Center at Corvallis, Lansu Garden, Old Town Association Gallery, and Playground Gallery. Her murals are in north Portland and Chinatown Portland.