Hanxing Zhao 趙漢興

Zhao Hanxing, former member of the Guangzhou Art Association. He immigrated to Portland, USA in the 1990s, has been active in the local art scene, holding solo exhibitions in star hotels and galleries, and has won many Portland Art Festival awards.

嶺南画派传人、旅美画家趙漢興,原广州市美协会员。七十年代师从国内著名花鸟画家陈永康老师,以及吴云峰、周志毅、梁占峰等嶺南画派老师,从事传统嶺南派花鸟画创作,作品参加全国、省、市展览并获得奖项,并于2015年在广州举办个人画展,广州电视台作专访报道。由于其作品画风细腻,色彩明快、充满生命力和大自然的气息而深受人们喜爱。现为美国俄勒冈州中国艺术家协会理事,国际书画艺术家联合会美西分会副会长。 九十年代移民美国波特兰后,一直活跃在当地画坛。经常在市内星级酒店、兰苏园及各个画廊展出,其作品为名人政要所喜爱而广泛购买收藏,另多次获得波特兰艺术节的奖项,在2019年9月两幅作品入选洛杉矶《美国华裔艺术家庆祝建国七十周年华诞大型画册》。

Zhao Hanxing, former member of the Guangzhou Art Association, has participated in national, provincial, and municipal exhibitions and won awards. After immigrating to Portland, USA in the 1990s, he has been active in the local art scene, holding solo exhibitions in star hotels and galleries, and has won many Portland Art Festival awards. He is currently a director of the Chinese Artists Association of Oregon, USA, and the vice chairman of the American West Branch of the International Federation of Painting and Calligraphy Artists.