Wayne Chin 陈永雄

I was born on November 11, 1955 in Guangzhou, China. From an early age, I was interested in drawing. Under the influence and guidance of my father, who is an Illustration artist, my painting career began. I attended the Cultural Art College of Guangzhou. After my graduation in 1980, I began working as a movie illustration artist, and it was during that time that my works were first displayed in the exhibition. In 1981, I left China and came to live in Portland, Oregon, USA. In 1988, I work at Soderstrom Architects as an Architectural Illustrator for ten years. In 1997, I started my own Art Studio (Wayne Studio) developed my art here ever since then. Now I am living with my family in Vancouver, Washington, USA.

Person web: http://www.waynechin.com

生于1955年中国广州,自幼就喜爱画画和在父亲的影响下,在1978年考入广州市文化艺术中等专业学校1980年毕业后在电影院任美工,作品也首次在广州市画展中参展。1981来美,1988在一家Soderstrom Architects 建筑设计公司任专业插图师、1997年成立自已的工作室 Wayne Studio. 主题包括人物肖像和风景画,喜欢水彩画,水粉画,油画和雕塑,现居住温哥华市,华盛顿州,

A man

A Young Lady

Nancy A

NW Farm House

Oil painting of Jing

Portrait of Judge Susan Graber

Portrait of Paul De Muniz

Shore Wave

Street Dancer

The Creek